Sunday, December 16, 2012

Radical Parenting and Sustaining a Multi-Generational Movement: A conversation with Vikki Law & China Martens on "The Final Straw" - Ashville FM!!

Listen to our first radio interview together on Ashville FM. 
Thanx Bursts!
This week we speak to Vikki Law and China Martens about the newly published book,Don't Leave Your Friends Behind: Concrete Ways to Support Families in Social Justice Movements and Communities (PM Press, 2012) , which they edited and contributed to. We talk about multigenerationality in struggle as well as intersections of age, class, gender and race.
This show will be streaming from 12/17-12/23/2012 at and available for podcast and download at

Friday, December 14, 2012

Having so much fun at our book signing at Facing Race Conference, Nov. 17 in Baltimore

Here is Maegan La Mala Ortiz and I at our book signing @ the PM PRESS TABLE. It felt great being able to sign books and talk about the issues with everyone. Maegan was also interviewed for this radio segment on Facing Race: and is in the last 5 minutes talking about childcare, access & DLYFB. Way to go! She wrote a book review about DLYFB as well. I hope I can meet and read with all of the contributors eventually (It was so great to meet so many of you on the "magical midwest book tour") and we can all have our special "book moments" together.