Wednesday, May 12, 2010

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: deadline Sept 15 2010


Don't Leave Your Friends Behind a Handbook for Radical Parenting Allies

Deadline: September 15, 2010!

Don't Leave Your Friends Behind is a book geared toward the non-parent radical community about how to be an ally to the parent(s) in their midst.

This book is going to be a collection of some of the best minds out there. We're looking for activists, allies, and radical parents to submit the most kicking stuff to make this the best book ever for getting down to business: let's make a better world WITHOUT leaving out the mamas (and papas, partners, child-care providers) and children this time!

We want to know how you do support children and their caretakers in your collectives, organizations or communities.

Parents: What concrete things can those around you do to support you and your family? Send us your list of suggestions!

Radical Childcare Collectives: What are your concrete tips on how you organize with your collective? How do you organize childcare?

We are especially interested in experiences that also take into account factors such as race, class, gender, single parenthood, immigration, disability, and/or mental health issues.

Word limit is from one sentence suggestions to 5.000 word essays.

Deadline for Zine #4: Sept. 15, 2010


  1. Holy crap that's easy: GIVE US A F*KN LIFT in you PRECIOUS FKN CAR! and don't freak out at the need for a car seat or guilt us over a leaky nappy or the crying of a tired child at the end of the day.

  2. Sorry, that comment is not at you, Asher, it's at the childless people.

  3. Hi - Where should I submit my entry, "Every city needs a Punk Picnic"? Thanks

  4. hello baby max volker! Sorry we never got back to you we are not very good at keeping up with the website, just put info up here but don't always check back. BUT HEY - we have better info all up now, fresh in the last entry is our contact info. Hope to hear from you! and best wishes

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